Friday 20 January 2012

Qustionnaire Feedback

Faye, aged 23

1. What Genre of film would you say this film is and how can you tell this?
Its a horror film and I could tell this by the music and setting.

2. What was your favourite aspects from the sequence and why?
My favourite part was the bit where you filmed the scene through the window which looked really effective, making the scene look mysterious.

3. What areas do you feel could be improved and how/why?
The part where she was reading the notice board in the graveyard wasn't clear to me, and it was hard to understand its relevance to the rest of the film.

4. Do you feel the storyline was easy to understand, if yes or no explain why?
Yes it was easy to understand because you made it clear what the story was about with showing the grave and reading his name aloud, and talking about him to the mother.

5. Do you feel the name of the film related well to the story?
Yes definitely, it fitted in well.

6. Did you think that the editing and credits were done well and flowed well? Explain why/why not.
The editing was good and made me jump at points, especially towards the end I liked the quick jump cuts and loud bang noises that were edited in. The credits where good and straight to the point.

7. Do you have any other comments/feedback?
I particularly liked the scene when the chair was swinging on its own, it was very tense and full of suspense. Overall, a very good film opening well done!

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