Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Changing groups!

The next stage was to start thinking of an idea for our final horror film opening. We sat down as a group and began to think of starting points and ideas. After many discussions, we finalised a strong storyline which we were all happy with.

We then unfortunately found out that our group of 5 was too big, and we had to split into a group of 2 and another group of 3. We came to a decision that the group of 2 would be the boys (Dom and Toby), as they are closer friends and see eachother outside of school regularly, so this would give them a disadvantage when it came to filming. Therefore, the group of 3 would be us girls (Me, Harri and Harri), this worked out well for exactly the same reason - we are also friends outside of school and spend a lot of time with eachother, so it would be easier for us to arrange to film together.

We then came to a problem of 'who would take the original storyline that our group (when we were 5) had thought of '. We decided to let the boys, who were a group of 2 take the original storyline as they were at less of an advantage as they only had 2 people in the group, whereas we had 3 of us. This meant us girls had to think of a completely new idea for a story for our final horror film opening.

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