Sunday, 22 January 2012

Target Audience Research

Here are my results from a questionnaire that I handed out about peoples preferences within horror films. I handed it to 20 people, ranging in different ages from 12-50 years old. After collecting back the questionnaires, I gathered my information and produced pie charts to show my results. Below I have shown a few questions and their results.These results show that the majority of people who watch horror films are aged between 19 and 25. And not many people aged 40 and above watched horror films.

This question shows that the majority of people who I asked preferred to watch a horror film with their friends. This helped us decide on our plot and what to include to attract the sort of people that would watch it.

These results show that most people look for horror films that give them an adrenaline rush. This also helped towards thinking of ideas of what to include in our film to ensure that our targeted audience are watching something they enjoy.

This question proved that people are more likely to share, recommend horror films they have seen. Also exchange them with one another. This is good, free publicity for film companies and and easy way for their film to get noticed and to get selling!

This question shows that watching films monthly and weekly are very popular and is most likely to be what our audeince would do. This links in with cinema deals, such as paying monthly for an unlimited cinema card to visit whenever you want. Also, orange wednesdays 2 for 1 deal is very popular within our specific teen age range. As its cheaper and more suited and appealing for them.

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