To edit our filming we used a programme called 'Final Cut' on the Mac computers at school. We connected the camera we filmed our footage on to the computer and uploaded them and saved them in a file on the computer. We opened Final Cut and clicked 'import files' and selected our footage. All these files then appeared in the browser and we were able to drag the shots we wanted down on to the timeline.

After putting the shots we wanted on the timeline we were then able to adjust them to how we wanted them. We put them in the correct time order, cut the length of the some of them and mooved them about. We also added in transitions between the shots, by selecting the shot and then clicking on 'effect' on the top tool bar and then selecting a transition such as 'fade in, fade out' and 'fade away', having the transitions made the film run smoothly and look professional. For one of our shots filmed inside the house we realised it looked too dark after uplaoding it and watching it back, so we needed to lighten it up so the audience could clearly see what was in the shot. We did this by using one of the tools on Final Cut and adjusting the ligting levels

We imported sound files in to the brower aswell, and dragged this on to our timeline. We had a spooky soundtrack running throughout the duration of most of our sequence. We downloaded this from a website called
http://www.freesound.org/, and then imported it on to our timeline in Final Cut. Using the 'cut' tool we were able to crop the sound file so it fit in with the timing of our footage. We also downloaded short sound effects that went a long with some of our footage, such as the sound of a door creaking and loud bang noises. We added these in to our sequence to emphasise the 'horror' genre.

After we had finished adjusting our footage and editing it, we imported the file for our animated logo for our production company that we made ourselves. We put our logo at the beginning of our sequence before the storyline had began. We chose to do this as we had researched film openings beforehand and recongnised that the procution company was always introduced before the film began, and so we wanted to follow this to make our film professional and relate it to other well-known, sucessfull films.

Above is what our production company logo looks like. The name of our production company is 'H2B Productions', we thought of this name because there are two girls in our group called Harri which accounts for the 'H2' bit, and then theres a Becky (me) which stands for the letter B. We thought the name sounded similar to a scientific formula or a mathematic equation, making our company seem professional and intelligent! We used the colours black and red as they are mostly associated with horror genres and also the red colour could have connotations of blood and gore. The devil horns above the text symbolises the fact we are a horror film production company along with the colours used, as you would usually associate red horns with the horns of a devil or villain. We used this particular font as it looks uneven and rough around the edges, which could make it look like someone has quickly and roughly carved it somewhere - making it seem mysterious, a bit like the type of film we have produced.

When we were editing we added in text (screenshots above show this). We used the style of a typewriter when the writing appears, so each letter comes on the screen one by one. We used this effect as we thought it looked as if someone was writing it, but as an audience you cant see whos typing it creating a spooky and mysterious effect. It also links to the name of our film 'The Unseen' and emphasises that unknown effect we created throughout our film. The slow movement of the text appearing on the screen nervs the audience. The black writing is very bold and solid and the dark gloom colour has connotations of death and something lifeless e.g. a ghost.

This shot apeared at the end of our film. 'The Unseen' is the name of our film and so we wanted the font to look haunting to match the genre and type of film. We chose this thin, crooked text as it looked slightly myserious as if someone had again carved it carelessly somewhere. The plain white background linked to what the writing says 'The Unseen' it's blank therefore theres nothing to see. Also our storyline involves ghosts and the colour white is mostly associated with ghosts. Overall we had around abouts four 2 hour sessions to complete out editing, so in total it took us 8 hours.
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