Friday, 20 January 2012

Questionnaire feedback

Hannah, aged 16

1. What Genre of film would you say this film is and how can you tell this?
Either horror or thriller, because its got you in suspense right from the start as you can't tell whos she talking too.

2. What was your favourite aspects from the sequence and why?
I like the setting and how it's remote. The graveyard also looked rather eerie and creepy.

3. What areas do you feel could be improved and how/why?
The voice overs and dialogue could have been improved as they didnt quite look right or fit in with the film sequence.

4. Do you feel the storyline was easy to understand, if yes or no explain why?
Yes I got the jist of the story straight away, and i think that comes down to the production.

5. Do you feel the name of the film related well to the story?
Yes i think it suited really well.

6. Did you think that the editing and credits were done well and flowed well? Explain why/why not.
I think the editing was good and the credits flowed well and were positioned well in the shot (i.e not blocking an actress in the frame).

7. Do you have any other comments/feedback?
Very well done.

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