Monday, 9 January 2012

Preliminary Task

For our preliminary task my group consisted of myself, Harri Long, Dom Simmons, Toby Harvey and Harri Nicholls. We were given a basic guideline to follow, which we would have to include in our film. The guideline was:
Subject A entering a room from a corridor and opening the door. Inside the room Subject B is sitting down without saying anything, A gives a piece of paper to B. B reads it and reacts. A displays some kind of emotion and leaves. This task MUST demonstrate match on action,shot/reverse shot and the 180-degree rule.

We sat down as a group and all had input with different ideas that we had come up with. We came up with the idea of making our preliminary film a horror genre film. We decided on this as our final film would have to be a horror film, so we thought it would be good to get some better understandment and knowledge of the genre by practising different camera shots/angles, editing, sounds and mise-en-scene that would best suit this genre to enable us the best possible outcome. Finally, after many group discussions we came up with a storyline that we thought would work really well.

Our preliminary task idea: We decided that subject A would open the sequence by slowly walking towards a gate and then opening it. We would have a close up shot of subject A's hand as it opened the gate. A jump cut would then be forced as we would perform a shot from the opposite side of the gate as it would be opened still by subject A and then follow her from behind as she walks barefoot through a dark path that would later lead her to the desired destination. The shot then dissolves and fades into a shot of the subject A walking down a set of stairs which would include shots both from behind and also from the side zooming in on her feet as she steadily walked down the stairs. A panning shot would then take place which would see subject A in the left of the screen and then introducing subject B in the far right hand corner of the shot which would ultimately link the two together as the sequence neared the end. Subject B (whos face would have been covered up until this point) would raise her head and accept a mysterious tape off of subject A. A point of view shot would then see through the eyes of subject B as tension would build and she would become more and more anxious ending in her feeling panicked leading her to destroy the tape. The sequence then ending in a blackout once the tape has been destroyed.

This is what our preliminary task storyboard looked like:

We decided to film at Ashwell Springs, as it wasn't your typical everyday sort of setting. It looked like quite a decolate and icolated location, with not a lot of life or atmosphere, which we felt would really fit in with the horror genre of film we were creating. This location had a good set of steps that looked rather old and uneven, which we thought we could use for the scene where we film subject A walking slowly down some stairs. Also there was a narrow, dark pathway leading up to the steps which fitted in with our idea.

We decided not to use many props as we thought we could make the film fit the horror genre well without using 'scary' props and focusing more on the editing and camera shots and angles. The one prop we did use however, was a small black cassette tape which we used instead of the piece of paper.

We decided that subject A (who was the character giving the tape) would be dressed all in black, so she wore a knee length black floaty dress and we back combed her hair to make her look un-tidy and creepy looking. Subject B (who would be receiving the tape, and was also the character i played) wore a floor length, white gown which we borrowed from the schools drama department. We put all my hair in front of my face so the audience couldn't see my face, this added to the mystery and the 'unknown' effect. The two outfits being so different showed a big contrast between the two characters. Both of the characters had bare feet, to also add to the mystery.
We covered my face in white make-up, to make myself look extremely pale and ill looking. And towards the end of ther film when my head was riased and my face was revealed, the make-up really helped with the scary effect we were going for.

Here is the link to the final film of our preliminary task:

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