Friday, 20 January 2012


To get some feedback from our film I decided to create a questionnaire that I would give to a few people, and ask them to watch the final film sequence then answer the questions as honestly as they could. This was so we could see what other people thought about it, and recieve any feedback on what we could improve if we was to do something similar to this project in the future. The questions i asked were:

1. What Genre of film would you say this film is and how can you tell this?
2. What was your favourite aspects from the sequence and why?
3. What areas do you feel could be improved and how/why?
4. Do you feel the storyline was easy to understand, if yes or no explain why?
5. Do you feel the name of the film related well to the story?
6. Did you think that the editing and credits were done well and flowed well? Explain why/why not
7. Do you have any other comments/feedback?

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