The reason for having the text in the bottom right hand corner with the white etches around it was created in a way that we felt made it look mysterious but also as the white area surrounding the text could symbolise the ghost, as ghosts are usually portrayed to be stereotypically white; fixing in with a typical convention of horror. But also, it was done so that the text had some parts that were black within it which could represent how people are so close to finding out what Katie's 'new friend' is, but then in contrast the majority of the white surrounding the text, which represents Thomas and how he is in a more superior position as he is in control of the situation and no one else can change that.
I think the poster fits well with what our film is about. If our audeince where to look at the poster, they would have a bit of an understanding as to what the film involves, but doesnt give away too much! The colours used are your typical horror genre colours e.g. black and whites. Overall we are pleased with how the poster turned out
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