Monday, 9 January 2012

Preliminary task Evaluation

What was your role?
My role for the preliminary task mainly involved me being infront of the camera for most of the time (acting), as I was one of the main characters in the film. When it wasn't a scene that involved me, I helped a bit with the lighting in some of the scenes as we filmed at quite a dark time of night. All of us had a big part in the planning of the task.

What worked well?
I think the setting of our film worked really well. We filmed in Ashwell Springs and we filmed at a time when there was noone else around, making it seem like a very spooky, unknown place, almost desserted. The costume that I wore for my character was a long, floor-length, white gown, it looked like an old fashioned hospital gown, which could imply that my character was some sort of mentally ill patient. I think this worked really well, and definitely added to the horror genre. The editing and sounds that we added to our film, really completed it. The sounds that we put in really added to the suspense and tension that the audience would feel, such as the creaking of the gate when it was opened and the slow, eerie music building up to the final scene of subject B destroying the tape.

What didn't work so well?
We had to change the day that we planned on filming it as the first time we tried, the lighting didnt work out as we wanted it - it was way too dark, even using torces you still couldnt see anything! So therefore we couldnt see what was in the shot. We arranged a different day to film, and made sure that we filmed it a little earlier in the day so that we had more light and didn't come across the same problem.

What will you do differently for your main task?
For our main task we will make sure that we film it at the right time of day so that there is enough light to see what is in the shot.

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